Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 2010

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Wow where did the year go? Now I'm sounding really old, huh! Christmas was so much fun except for the blizzard. Dad and I can't remember a storm that bad since I was born. It was really scary how dangerous it was. I didn't take my kids to Christmas Eve mass because of it, and I really missed going. We have enjoyed seeing all of the family throughout the holidays. It stretches out the celebration for the whole 2 weeks instead of it being over in just a few days. Jeff and Allie did great in school. Jeff has about 3 weeks left in basketball and is MORE than ready for it to be over-it is not his favorite sport! They are undefeated so that makes it a little more fun. Allie has been a great help decorating and undecorating as well as cooking. She loves Christmas so much. Mom and dad are so housebound because of the weather. I know they have to be stir crazy but they never complain. They enjoyed all the visits and calls so much. We want all of you to know how important you all are to us. We feel so blessed to be a part of such an awesome family. I will toast all of you at midnight. We wish you all only the best in 2010. By the the moment we have no new babies to look forward to. Could someone please work on that?!?!

Mary Beth

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year

Here's hoping you all have the best NEW YEAR ever. We are still enjoying Christmas memories and TOYS! Some Christmas memories we made this year:

- Kinley's first Christmas...she was lots of fun!

- A very Nasty Christmas Eve blizzard. We went to the Christmas Eve program at Ebenezer and barely made it home. Travis and I had never seen such driving conditions!

- Pictures on the snow drifts that Uncle Mark Stueve plowed with his grater.

- So many jewelry kits we can't count...Marley will be able to make us all jewelry to wear to the next Giner!
- Lots of boy toys...Darren can't decide which toys to play with! He loves them all.

Posted are some pictures of our favorite holiday memories. Talk to you soon, Stacy and Family

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas From Texas!

Hope everyone is doing well! Things are great down here. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a few days away! We still aren't quite done, hoping to finish up tomorrow. If you ask Landry, Christmas came on the 3rd. That's when we had our first snow. You know whenever it snows it's Christmas! We put up our tree that weekend. When Dad asked him what he was going to do the next week he said "Take down our decorations!" We had 4" in Nazareth and the boys were able to build a snowman and have a snowball fight. They were very excited. Thank goodness the weather man is predicting snow this week on Wed/Thur so hopefully Christmas will come again! I hope so, Landry asked Santa for a chihuahua, and he asked Santa to bring his dad a new cotton stripper and a new combine! Hope those don't weigh down the sleigh too much.
We are looking forward to the next semester of school. Not the school part as much as all the other activities. Thank goodness the boys have straight A's, so missing a few days of school won't hurt them too much. We have 3 pigs to show. We are taking 2 to San Antonio and 1 to Houston. We had 4, but our luck with show animals hasn't been too good this year. One of our pigs broke it's leg, so it's going to make some nice sausage in a few weeks. The girls at work are shocked that we would eat our animals, but that's life on the farm! He has 43 days and counting until all the drugs they gave him clear his system. I asked Garrison what he would do if he only had 44 days to live and he said "Kiss all the girls I could!" I think he gets that crap from my dad or Grandpa Ed!
I was happy to hear that if my nasty cat that gave Landry a ringworm on his head comes back Nub could help me get rid of it! After Brad hauled it off the second time, it never came around again! Maybe it got eaten by a coyote! That has been quite an ordeal! He took his last dose of antifungal medicine tonight!!! He has been taking it twice a day for 8 weeks! The worst part was it made his hair fall out! That is not a good thing for a Hoelting man. It has grown back in thank goodness.
Mason is onto basketball, which is going much better for them than football. They didn't score a single point in football. They are very small compared to the other school. In basketball they have won their last 2 games and are playing very well! He will turn 13 next month. That makes me feel really old! We've had a few previews of life with a teenager. It scares me to death!
Maybe I'll just run away to Kansas! I could take my old clunker that we hit a cow in last month. What would Nub say when I pulled up! It's missing a bumper and the radiator has a hole in it. Not to mention the windshield Dad cracked with his hard Hoelting head and the airbags hanging out! We all know what he thinks of the car Dad and Leon drove up there.
Hope everyone is healthy and staying warm this winter! Have a very Merry Christmas! We miss you all. I hear rumors of another Wild Girls Trip! (We just have to find another sucker to drive us up there!) Love Ashley

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Happy Advent!!! Who can believe that Christmas is almost here.
With Lindsey's help, I've included some recent pictures. Two are from Brian and Darci Weiser's wedding in Nov. Brian's older brother from Topeka is in the orange shirt.
We had a divine Thanksgiving. All arrived on Wed. night so we had plenty of time to play and eat-what more could we ask for? Each of the kids took a meal so I got to relax as well as enjoy gourmet meals. Daryl, Kim and David joined us on Fri. night for cream cheese stuffed pork loin with cranberry chutney, grilled asparagus and sauteed new potatoes/brussel sprouts prepared by Lindsey, Michael and Paula Dean. The best was lots of laughing and stories. Karis, Kellen and Chad went international with taco soup, layer dip and brownies topped with raspberry-fudge topping. My meals were quite ordinary!!!
Lindsey won the pitch session and Karis won Apples to Apples. My greatest feat was Uno!!!!
Chad flies to Chicago tomorrow for a medical seminar to work a display table. Kellen seems to have her new bank established well enough for the time being to get away for several days. This was not the case when she first started. Lindsey was busy studying for a test on Mon. She knows that her hardest semester starts in Jan. but then she will be able to move to Texas for at least the summer and maybe clinicals in the Dallas area as well. Michael's project gets underway in January-they'll officially break ground in late Jan. Up to this time it has been all the preliminary planning-he is SO ready to get going on it. Karis is busy at the Alco distribution center in Abilene and enjoys the fast pace-her days fly by.
Dick has been retired a month now and is really enjoying it. He spent about 20 days on the farm in eastern Ks. helping with harvest-his first in 34 years. It is so relaxed knowing that he does not have to be up at 4:00 to go to work. We have had several ice/snow days already where the UPS guys could not go out west so he is relieved not to have to worry about it. Lots of long overdue jobs at our house here are being taken care of too.
We are taking a Christmas trip for the first time in 34 yrs as well. We are going with Jerry and Lois Schippers to a time share in Fort Lauderdale Dec.18-24. This will be unusual for a UPSer.
All of ours will be home over New Year's for Christmas and Stef Gasper's wedding on Jan. 2.
I guess this is my Thanksgiving and Christmas card-Hooray for the blog!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Harvest is almost over!

Hello! I loved all of the cute halloween pictures. Not sure how to do that yet, so when I get some extra time I'll mess with it. We had family pictures taken on October 30th. What a mess that was. It was gorgeous the week before and the week after pictures, but we froze our rumps off that day. Kansas weather is great! Ha! Kevin is almost done with harvest and although he is tired; he is in a great mood. He celebrated his 30th birthday on Friday in the field. Alex stayed with Grandma Vicki and I hired a babysitter for Shawn so that I could surprise him with a six pack of beer and adult conversation! We talked about the kids the whole time anyway! I took Alex to a pediatric urologist last Tuesday to fix a little problem he has. I told him on the way to Kansas City that a doctor was going to look at his wiener so he wouldn't pee all over mommy's wall anymore. He said, "otay mommy" and acted like it wasn't a big deal. We were still okay when the doctor came in and asked Alex to look at his "tallywacker", but when he started touching it Alex started yelling, "my wiener, my wiener, he's touchin my wiener". For one of the few times in my life I was speechless. The doctor must have seen my embarrassment because he just started laughing and said he gets this all of the time working with kids! I definitely need to write that down in a book! (Alex will probably be mad at me someday for sharing this story!) Shawn can now roll over and scoots everywhere. He also has the nickname chunky monkey. Maybe we should have put him in a Bears costume for Halloween and MaKenna could be cheering for him! He would have to be on the O-Line. Lol! He is weighing in at 16.1 pounds. There are no meals missed by this little guy! Alex only weighed 18 pounds when he was a year old compared to Shawn at 3 months!! Yikes! Well, I had better get back to work. XOXO, Lisa

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Heins Kids

Here are some Halloween pictures. The one with Kinley in the basket is from Travis' church. They had to dress as someone from the bible. Kinley was Moses, Marley carried Kinley in the basket (I know I am very brave), and Darren was a soldier. We had a wonderful Halloween, I hope you all did too! Love, Stacy and Family

Monday, November 2, 2009

Here a few pictures from the weekend!!

What a beautiful day it was today. November is starting out good. We spent the weekend in Kansas City with the kids. Gary had a meeting on Friday, so we stayed through through Sat. and Sunday. We went trick or treating with Briggs and Lydia. Lydia liked getting the candy, and would say Happy Ween to everybody. Briggs didn't get too excited about it. Saras neighborhood goes all out for Halloween. She had 200 or more. We are getting ready to watch the Yankees tonight. Johnny Damon saved the game last night. Happy Fall to all. DONNA

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a beautiful way to start November!

The weather was awesome in Kansas today a little breezy but still 75! Makenna is now a little over three months old and growing like a weed. I call her my little chunky monkey! She is a little young to actually have fun on Halloween but we knocked on a few houses anyway. On her first Halloween she was a Chicago Bears cheerleader (dad's idea of course)! We have started cooing and smiling. Every once in awhile dad can get her to chuckle! I will be 29 this month! Where does the time go???? Monica is still working on finishing up school and can't wait to be done! she should be done on dec. 18th and then she will student teach for her last semester.

Brad, Monica, and Makenna

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Missing MAN!!!

Hello Everyone,
I just had to share the latest buzz around Olpe and my house. There is a missing man in Lyon County and he disappeared from the road right east of our house! I called the sherriff Thursday morning 10-22-09 to report a person that was apparently stuck. He was roaring around for about 15-20 minutes. The next thing we know we have two girls at our house looking for thier uncle. (That was Friday night.) On Saturday a helicopter was looking for him. It is now on the tv and radio that he is missing. When the sherriff reported to the road for the stuck vehicle there was no one around and the truck was still running. Supposedly there weren't any footprints anywhere!! PLEASE pray that they find him soon, so I can go to my house without being completely WIGGED OUT! Travis thinks I am ridiculous, but I just can't help it! The whole thing is completely weird. Anyway, I hope they find him and everything is okay. Talk to you all soon, Stacy
Good Morning! I am home from school for the second day in a row feeling like death warmed over! Allie was out of school all last week with a high fever and rash. Then on Saturday I got a fever and coughed like crazy. I went to the doctor yesterday because my chest hurt so bad and he said it was viral and gave me 2 cough medicines. I feel a little better today, but stayed home because I barely have a voice and once I start coughing it's hard to stop. Just let me state for the record I HATE winter! The 70th anniversary was so special for me also. I enjoyed how low key it was. I also love finally having a house big enough to hold my family. I think mom and dad really enjoyed it also. Thanks to everyone for making it run so smoothly. I also found out many interesting tidbits about some members of my family at the bar while playing games. So if any of you who didn't get to come want to know the scoop just let me know!! I sometimes feel like Lindsey might think to herself that she should run like the wind!!! Allie is going to be a fairy for Halloween and Jeff is too "mature" for such things. Their conferences went really well. We heard from both kid's teachers that they are extremely social. I'm pretty sure they got that gene from the Bonitatibus side! Jeff's football team went undefeated-yea! He has now started basketball practice which is his least favorite sport. This week they are reroofing the house, putting on new gutters, and replacing the skylights from all the hail damage. It will be nice to have it over with. Lisa- welcome to the blog, Believe me I know what it is like to be bullied into into doing things you don't want to. Welcome to what it's like being the baby of the family!!!!!! Welcome to our family Keegan Wayne. Love to all of you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Greetings from the Mautz family

Hello to you all!
I am finally getting everything set up and learning how to do this. I am not a technical person at all so this is a big deal for me!! Donna finally applied enough pressure. LOL. The boys are both doing great. Alex is ready for Halloween or should I say candy. He doesn't understand the concept of "trick or treat". He walks around the house with his pumpkin and says, "put candy in there". I guess it is about the same thing??? Shawn is really growing and might be bigger than Alex soon! He has a great disposition and is so much fun. He is going to be a spider for Halloween and Alex is going to be a tiger (thanks to Eric and Trish). Kevin is anxiously awaiting the rain to stop so he can start combining. The weather plays a vital role in the mood around the farm! We went to the Chanute game on Friday night to cheer on Brentie's team. It was fun, but a little chilly. Thanks Donna and Gary for all of the hospitality and most of all for taking care of Shawn. It was good to see some of you at the 70th anniversary celebration on Sunday. I was upset that we had to miss Friday and Saturday activities, but we had prior plans that couldn't be broken. Well, I hope this goes through. Have a safe & fun Halloween!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

What a wonderful weekend we had celebrating mom and dads 70th anniversary. It started off Friday night with a gathering in Olpe. It was great catching up with everyone and their news, and watching the Yankees win. Saturday we took it easy. We all went to church Saturday night. Father gave mom and dad a blessing. After that we headed to the Chicken House to eat. Henry and Marsha hired 2 brothers to play entertain us before supper. Dad sang along with some of the songs. Thanks Henry and Marsha! We had a delicious meal followed by cake. Then the stories started to roll. It was alot of fun reminiscing. Before we knew it it was 10:00 pm, and the restaurant was closed and the help was ready to go home. We left, and met for lunch at mom and dads on Sunday for lunch. Daryl and Neal cooked sloppy joes, brats, and hot dogs. Everyone else brought side dishes. It was so nice getting to see all the babies in the family. Thanks to everybody for your part in making this a memorable celebration. Gary and I feel so lucky to be a part of this family. We have a mom and dad who are 90 plus years and are still able to live on the farm, and got to celebrate 70 years together. WOW! Amazing! DONNA

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Congratulations Nub and Mary!! 70 years is so amazing. You are an inspiration to all of us. I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! Hope everyone is well.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

weekend in KC

We just got back from a weekend in Kansas City. We stayed with Chris and Liz on Friday night, and hung out with Lydia on Saturday. Sunday Sara and Greg had Briggs 1st birthday party. He had a great time digging into his cake. He was one tired little guy afterward. Seems crazy he is already a year old. We are watching the Yankees in game three against Minnesota. There have been some great games. Chris is enjoying his job at Home Depot. Kelli is still nannying for a 7 month old little boy. We are so excited to see everyone at the 70th anniversary. Donna

The Heins Family

Hello Everyone!
Poor Kinley is not liking winter...or maybe it is her mom that doesn't like bundling everyone up! Ashley I loved the pictures and your update! So glad you joined you need to get Gwen on! If she wasn't so busy texting my husband about Texas Tech beating K-State maybe she would find the time to blog! :-) Travis loves hearing from you all! Kellen I loved your blog too! You could add pictures of the "Ranchero Burrito" and then we would all be waiting for your blogs! We are gearing up for Halloween. Kinley is going to be a flower, Darren is going to be a horse named "Brody", and Marley wants to be a scary VAMPIRE! What happened to girls wanting to be a princess or something frilly? I guess my girls skipped that gene! Travis and I were playing baseball in the yard with the kids the other night. We were trying to get Darren to hold the bat right. We told him to choke up on the bat and he coughed twice. I guess he thought we really wanted him to choke! I can't wait to see you all again next weekend. I have told several people we will be celebrating my Grandparents 70th anniversary and they are amazed. Love, Stacy and Family

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Guess it is my time to blog. The kids were all here tonight and we ate soup and watched the game. Not much of a game. We keep busy with the grandkids and working. I am having my stairway and hall painted. Also the toy room or extra bedroom.. We were going to have the trim around the windows painted but the weather hasn't allowed that so I guess we will have to wait until spring along with getting new shingles. Darn hail!!!! We are looking forward to the 70th anniversary. See you all then. Marsha
Brrr Winter cannot be far away as cold as it is today. BUT Kellen had 5" of snow on the ground this morning so it is extra cold there. Michael was in Omaha all week for training and commented on how nice it was to return to Fort Worth.
Dick will finish his career with UPS this week. He will drive his regular route to Burlington, CO all week and park his truck for good on Friday. He has some vacation time to count off so he is not officially off the books until Nov. It will be different with no brown shirts in the laundry any more. We are very thankful for the benefits from UPS that we have enjoyed through the years. He will spend his first 2 weeks in Hamilton helping with Fall harvest, a job he has really missed for so many years. The true joy of retirement won't set in until an ice storm hits this winter and he does not have to battle the semi on Interstate 70.
Karis works in shipping and receiving at the Alco-Duckwall distribution center in Abilene. She enjoys being busy-makes the days fly by. Speaking of flying by, we ended our first quarter on Fri. Wow, did the first part of the year fly by!! Now conference time is here.

Ethan's throat

Well, I had one of my scariest moments as a parent on Tuesday night. Ethan had an hourglass type thing in his mouth and fell on it. It really tore up the back of his throat and caused a cut under his tongue. There was a lot of blood, Ethan could not calm down, and Justin was not home! After what was a few seconds of me trying to decide what to do, I called 9-1-1, which is TOTALLY out of character for me!

Long story short, the ambulance came and the paramedic didn't really see much and Ethan would not let us look so we monitored him over night (at home) and the next day I stayed home from work with him because we were up all night basically. He allowed me to look back there with a flashlight and I nearly died! It looked horrible! But I will say he was in good spirits and we had an awesome day at home just mother and son.

He is healing and is getting very spoiled with the pampering and all of the ice cream, jello, pudding, etc.

Even though we were not "letting" him run around with something in his mouth, it is really a lesson of what can happen. This was not a sharp object! Parents: do not let your kids put sharp things in their mouth or run with ANYTHING in their mouth! Hopefully Ethan has learned his lesson.

P.S. WHOOHOOO I can blog!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Festivities

This has been a crazy week here at the Tomlinson household. We have two birthdays down and one to go. Sunday night we celebrated Greg's birthday with a gathering of friends at our house. It was a great time and Briggs loved seeing all his friends. Today Greg and I both took the day off work to celebrate Brigg's 1st birthday with him. We headed out to Deanna Rose Farmstead in Olathe, a really great farm for kids to fish, pet animals, and just play. It was a gorgeous day and we loved being able to spend some time with our not so little boy. Tomorrow evening Greg has planned a date for us to celebrate my birthday. If you can believe it we are also having a family birthday party for Briggs this Sunday. Whew I think that is it. I have loved every little minute of all of our celebrations. Crazy to think a year ago at this time we were holding our little boy for the very first time. Such sweet memories. Hope all is well with everyone. Jason Happy Birthday tomorrow.
Pictures of Briggs first K-State football game last weekend at arrowhead stadium

I agree Leona...winter is here. It has turned chilly and yuck! Everything is fine with us. We are excited for the baseball playoffs...GO YANKEES! The fall festival was great. It was a good crowd and good food. Allie was the top raffle ticket seller in her class so now I know she has Grandma's blood in her. We are gearing up for conferences for my students and Jeff and Allie. It is always fun to hear someone else's perspective on your kids. I am very excited for mom and dad's anniversary. They seem to be doing really well and love when people stop to visit! Stay warm everyone.

No condminium by Lake Michigan for me...

On Yom Kippur, September 28, Chicago had her first blast of artic air and wind out of the Northeast for this fall/winter season.That was also the day I had asked to look at a potential retirement conodominium closer to the LOOP.
When I got out of the car for my appointment, a blast of shockingly cold air came barrelling down the street in front of the place I was scheduled to see.
No matter how tightly I closed my jacket, it was no match for the bracing wind and cold air.
I decided the cold was a sign from God of what the weather will be like from November to May if I move there.
When I'm old, I would like something warmer.
Sunny and beautiful in Skokie today.
Ashley, your second picture is remarkable. Look at the little boy's face, I mean the one holding the baby. Gorgeous and so serious.
Kellan, what does Chad do?
Hope the Great Pumpkin is good to you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Since my life has been threatened...

Yes that right Mary has officially bullied me into blogging! I'm sure none of you can imagine that!! It is not that I don't want to but I have be CRAZY busy with my new job. Not to mention I don't have cute baby pictures to post which are way more fun to look at and hear about! So anyway here is what is new in Omaha...

My new job has been EXTREMELY stressful. I am trying to literally build my team from the ground up and that is a work in progress. On top of being short staffed I have had to deal with some major scheduling conflicts such as army reserve weekends, swine flu, and having babies! So long story short I am putting in a lot of hours. On the brighter side now that I have lived in Omaha for almost 5 years I have managed a lot of great people and have been able to recruit 2 of them who recently graduated to work for me. It is very flattering that they like working for me as a manager and are willing to follow me to a new company. So things are looking up and hopefully things will slow down soon!

Chad's work is going really well-he's doing awesome at it. He has been the #1 recruiter in his entire company for the last several months. I think he has around 12 different travelers out working for him currently and is about to book 2 more.

Besides work we are trying to cheer for our huskers as much as possible. They celebrated their 300th consecutive home sell out last weekend so that was very exciting. We are also very excited that Michael is coming up to spend a week with us. Luckily for us Peter Kiewitt originated here in Omaha so he has to come up for training. So far we have planned a lot of drinking and eating throughout the week. Can't wait for him to get here!

Love and Miss you all!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello from Texas

So, I conned Sara into letting Gwen and I be part of the blog, even though we aren't Nub Hoeltings. You know we should be. Things are going well down here. School is back in session and occupies most of our time. Landry went to kindergarten this year. It makes me so sad! I told Brad we should have another one so I won't be lonely. He said "We'll be having kids until our 70's if that's the case!" I promised to cut it off by 65! Garrison started 4th grade. He won't be able to get by with anything. His teacher is also his aunt! He plays flag football and really enjoys it. Mason is now Mr. Very Cool 7th grader. He is running cross-country and playing football. His team isn't doing very well. It's hard when you have mostly 6th and 7th graders, but are playing against 8th graders. I told him it makes the small victories that much more exciting. You should have seen us cheer when they finally got a 1st down! He is also busy with his show lambs. He got 4th and 8th at the Tri-state Fair in Amarillo this month. We will add 4 pigs next month. 2 for Mason and 2 for Garrison. Landry won't be able to show until the 3rd grade. He really likes the animals though. I think he spent more time with them last year than his brothers did. I am still working 2-3 days/wk delivering babies. I really love it. Plus, it gives me a chance to talk to someone! Brad is busy farming. Corn harvest is in full force and he has been busy sowing wheat. His nephews custom harvest his corn, which leaves him more time to take care of his other things. I'm excited because next year we are down grading from 8 sections of farmland to only 4! He works way too hard in my opinion. I tell him he is only 1 man. He doesn't even have a hired hand. But, I'd rather be married to a man that works too hard than a lazy one!!
In June Marcia married her long-time boyfriend, Bob Kern. Bob is a Nazareth boy she has been dating for 11 years. I wondered if they would ever get married. They live in Houston and are doing well. Bob is a chemical engineer and works for an oil company, Schlumberger, in their Chevron office in Houston. Marcia was working for Stanford Financial, but lost her job in February when Allen Stanford was charged with fraud and the government shut down his company. She waited until after the wedding to get back in the work force. She is now working for a temp agency doing some type of accounting stuff. Her main goal is to start her own computer consulting company. The temp job is perfect for her, because it gives her a paycheck while she gets her business off the ground.
The most exciting news in our family is that we finally have a Hoelting cousin. Courtney and Jack had a little boy! William "Will" Charles Armstrong joined our family August 18th weighing in at 7lbs 2oz. He is so sweet. I went down the day before he was born to help with the delivery. Then, I stayed through the week to get her started with the new baby. All 3 of them came to Nazareth for Lynsey's wedding and stayed for 10 days. The boys were excited to finally get to meet their new cousin. Landry keeps insisting that Courtney give us the recipe for baby milk so Will can spend the night at our house. He just can't quite understand this whole breastfeeding thing. He told Courtney "I don't have any of those, but my mom does. She can feed the baby!" He is also confused because he's seen the baby drink from a bottle. I finally told him that Courtney has a milking machine like the one at the diary for the cows. That seemed to satisfy him. To be 5 again!
We're so glad to be able to keep in touch with all of you! Hope to see everyone soon.
Love Ashley

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello Everyone,
We celebrated Allie's 9th birthday this weekend. We and 2 other families went to Royals Stadium and then spent the night in Kansas City. We had a blast. Sara, Greg, and Kelli were also at the game so we got to tailgate with them. It's hard for me to believe she is already 9. I can remember the day she was born just like it was yesterday. We are busier than ever. Jeff's football team is 4-0 and he is doing well. Allie is busy reading and socializing. She loves school and really works hard to do well. Our Fall Festival is this weekend and I think she might have some of her grandma's "selling" blood in her because she asks everyone to buy tickets! Fall is here and everything is so beautiful. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Ryan, congrats on your new job. What an exciting city to live in. I can't wait for the 70th celebration!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sweet Little Pumpkin

Good Morning. Really enjoy keeping up with everyone on the blog. All is great with the Tomlinsons. We are busy as ever, Greg is back in school working on getting his degree in elementary education. He is trying to get back in the groove of writing papers, reading, and studying. Pretty hard task after being out of college for 7 years. I am so proud of him making the commitment to change his career. I know he will be a fabulous teacher. It will be nice to have someone to commiserate with as well . We are getting geared up for birthday week in our house. We have all three of our birthdays within a 4 day span, it will be busy but fun. Crazy to think my little man will be one. Enjoying this fall weather and love that my job allows me to be outside all day. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Henry Hoelting

The Hoelting-Brockman granary still standing
on the Hoelting homestead in 2008


Henry and Elizabeth, my paternal grandparents, farmed near St. Stephens in Nuckolls County, Nebraska, until March 1906, when Henry moved to Nazareth, Texas. From 1906 to 1908, my Grandpa Hoelting made several trips by train back to Lawrence, Nebraska to visit his wife and children, his mother, and other relatives.

In 1906, with financial help from his father-in-law, Herman Schroer, he purchased a half section of land for $2.50 per acre on the east side of the Nazareth-Hart road approximately two miles south of Nazareth, Texas. He then moved without his family to Nazareth and lived with the Louis Huseman family during the time it took him, with the help of other early settlers, to build a sixteen-by-thirty-two-foot granary and windmill on the properly. The granary was built on two-by-eight-foot planks in a pier-and-beam construction with a wooden floor and wooden shingles. It had a six-foot-high window opening in the north and south bins for shoveling grain and an east and a west door in the middle room.

In early 1907, Grandpa moved into the granary with his brother-in-law Frank (“Page”) Brockman, his sister Phine Hoelting Brockman, and their children, Josephine (“Josie”), George, and Laurence (“Lun”).

In 1908, the Brockmans finished building and moved into their new house a mile north of the Hoelting granary. For several months, Grandpa Hoelting lived in the granary by himself.

In June of 1908, his wife Elizabeth and their four children—Frank, Alois, Dora, and Edward—arrived in Tulia, Texas on a train from Lawrence, Nebraska. Edward, the youngest child, was six months old. They brought all of their belongings with them, including a team of horses, harness, three milk cows, a box wagon, and any clothing they might need in Texas. Grandpa and Page Brockman met the train after riding saddle horses to Tulia. Lizzie told the family often that as the train entered the Tulia station, Dora spotted her father, Henry, on the platform. She immediately pointed and shouted excitedly, “There’s our papa! There’s our papa!” In Tulia, the wagon, which had been disassembled for the train trip, was reassembled, belongings loaded in it, horses harnessed and hitched to the wagon, and Henry and Elizabeth and the four kids made the 25-mile trek across the prairie to their new home with Grandpa’s saddle horse tied to the back of the wagon and Page driving the milk cows.

Henry and Elizabeth would go on to have five more children: Wilfred, Irene, Stella (later Sister Norbert), Gregory, and Norbert. Elizabeth died in 1933, when the youngest child, Norbert (my dad), was thirteen years old.

For three years, while they built their house, the family lived in the granary with no running water, no kitchen—not even a sink or drain—no fan or air conditioning, no electricity, and no windows other than the small window in each bin for shoveling grain.

In later years, Henry and Lizzie would seldom complain about the sacrifices and hardships of living in the granary. They did tell that during the summer months, hordes of millers would get inside through any opening in the granary. This forced them to close their only windows, making it very hot. Lizzie enjoyed telling the younger Hoelting children about how she could step out of her door and see oceans of grass in every direction with large herds of grazing animals. Their biggest and almost constant fear was of prairie fires, because when they would come upon your home, there was no way to stop them and nowhere to run. On many nights, they would smell smoke from distant prairie fires or see the fires off in the far distance. Frank Hoelting, their oldest son, commented on how dirty it would get inside when the wind blew. He also said the high winds would shake the granary and blow completely through it.

Finally, in 1911, the new house was completed. The Hoelting family moved out of the granary and offered it as a temporary home to Frank and Emma Schroer Venhaus, who had just moved from Lawrence, Nebraska after purchasing land one mile south of the Hoelting home. The Venhaus family—Frank, Emma, and their children, Emma, Agnes, and Albert—then lived in the granary for a year.

In 1912, the Venhauses moved to their newly completed house and Grandpa Henry was finally able to use the granary to store grain. He would plant, graze, and thrash sudan grass, then shovel the seed into the south bin. In April, when the price rose, he shoveled the sudan seed into a box wagon and hauled it to the elevator in Hart, Texas. He used the granary north compartment for milo, kaffir corn, or hegari. He would usually grind this feed for cattle or hogs. The center compartment was used for minerals, cake, salt, and sacked feed. He kept a grinder next to the granary to grind feed through the east door into the center compartment. Each time they ground feed, his sons were required to restack the sacks of feed, cake, and salt blocks in front of the west door.

Henry's farming and ranching business grew, and he had a set of scales installed across the road from the house. This allowed him to buy, sell, or trade grain, cattle, horses, mules, or hogs. My father, Nub Hoelting, later said that he and his brothers seemed to shovel something into or out of the granary every day. My uncle Edward Hoelting once commented that Henry made more money before breakfast trading livestock and grain than most farmers made in a week. Edward also complained that as soon as he would get a team of mules broke to pull, Henry would trade them for two or three pairs that needed to be broke. Henry had a standing contract to sell as many broke mules as he could supply to a broker, who would pick them up at Hart and ship them by rail to East Texas cotton farmers.

While the area may have been totally undeveloped—the nearest railroad available to take grain and cattle to market was in Tulia, 20 miles away—at least the neighbors were likable: Elizabeth's father, Herman Sr., purchased an adjoining half-section. Their house — albeit with a few alterations — still stands.

Nazareth, the village near their farm, had a grocery store, a post office, a small school, and the Holy Family Catholic Church. As was typical of most early German settlers in the area, the family spoke only German. Both German and English were taught for a few years in the small school, but in time, English became the language of choice in the educational system. Thus, the younger Hoelting children spoke very little German.

All of the Texas-born children were delivered by a midwife, Mrs. Wilhelmina Their, who charged $5.00 per delivery. The family's first car, a 1917 Overland, lasted just two years; then it was back "over land" by horse and buggy until 1931.

Elizabeth had no easy life, raising nine children without the help of modern conveniences, carrying water from the well, washing clothes by hand, and raising vegetables in her garden. But she traveled by train back to Nebraska to visit friends and relatives several times, and she was a happy person. Liz loved to sing, and she and Henry enjoyed their music parties and card games. In the early 1900s, they purchased a new player piano that gave them and their family much enjoyment.

After several years, Henry and Elizabeth purchased Herman Schroer's half-section for $5.00 per acre. Soon afterward, Henry became keenly interested in the cattle business, eventually managing enough success to purchase additional land.

When he was not busy tending to his cattle, hogs, and farming, Henry pursued his other love in life: learning. Though he had only a fourth-grade education, Henry was very knowledgeable in geography and history, perhaps due to the fact that he had a photographic memory. A civic-minded man, he served on numerous local boards and earned the nickname "Bryan" because of his interest in politics and his staunch support of William Jennings Bryan.

An avid reader, Henry devoured any newspaper he could find from cover to cover. Most nights, you could find him reading in his rocker until he fell asleep. Often, he remained there until the wee hours, long after the paper had slid out of his arms and onto the floor. Among his other favorite sources of information were the National Geographic and the sundry market reports. Anyone available knew to be prepared at all times to list the market reports as delivered by the radio.

Henry never met a stranger. He loved to visit with anyone about any topic, especially national politics, ranching, Texas, family, and the national debt.

Until a week before his death in 1948, Henry worked on his farm and tended to his livestock.

Because she died before my birth, I never knew my Grandma Elizabeth Schroer Hoelting. She was a healthy woman until the 1919 flu epidemic, which ravaged the entire family. Being a dedicated wife and mother, Liz found the will to care for her family anyway. As a result of her devotion to duty, she contracted a heart condition. In 1933, Liz became very ill and passed away in the hospital in Hereford.

While life for the early Texas Hoeltings was hard, with many tribulations and sacrifices, it was also fortified with family and community celebrations, which included singing, dancing, card-playing, home brew, and, on occasion, moonshine whiskey.

Just a couple shots of Ryan and my expedition from Atlanta to DC. It was a fun trip. I enjoy sharing these times with my sons. Best, Floyd

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Makenna might not want to be a Bear this Fall.

Brad et al.,
Thanks for the update on the always immense adjustments to life with a new born. Prayers and blessings to you, Monica and Makenna.
It feels like Fall in Skokie today. It is so cool and wet that the grass and trees are still green.
I just replaced all my sidewalks/patio last week. Talk about a hard work kind of job. The two men who took up the old sidewalk/patio and put down the new sidewalk/patio mixed all the cement in my wheel barrow. They worked for five solid days; every day they left they were dog tired and as red as lobster from sun burns. They were not young men, either.
I installed fool control last Fall; cement work this Fall; I'm getting my little townhouse ready to sell, one project per year.
On Monday, 9/28/09 I am going to look at a place I might chose to live when I retire. These condos are owned by Presyterian Village and rent pro rated according your retirement income.
It is located 20 minutes, by bus, from the magnificent mile where the Millennium Park, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and good Chicago theaters are located. It has parks for walking all around.
If I relocate there, I am going to ask The Chicago Cultural Center in the heart of dowtwown Chicago, if I can do foreign relations lectures there in the Spring and Fall each year.
This is the first time I will seriously consider what I will do when I reture in 2013.
If I am still living and Mom and Dad are still living in 2013, is there a Presbyterian Village in the Emporia/Olpe area?
Do people buy thse small house that Dad helped initiate by St. Joseph or do thay rent?
Alan, how are things going while you work full time and have just begun working on your MBA at SMU?
Pray for our Cubbies, Jason, Alan, and Ryan. Sweet Lou is having a tough season.
Good luck with your new job in D.C., Ryan. I will be visting you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Good afternoon everyone. I am so happy that more people are joining on to the blog. I still do not know if i got everyone added as authors to our blog. If anyone in your family has not got the invite to start writing on the blog please let me know by sending me their email. You can email me at or just give me their email in the comment section on this post. I think it will be great to get everyone going on this.

Things are good here in KC. School is in full swing and we already have conferences next week. I swear this first semester just flies. Briggs is all settled in to his new daycare and we love it. Sure makes going to work a lot easier when you know your baby is well taken care of. I have actually started Briggs a blog of his own you are welcome to check it out and even join as a follower if you want. The link is . Hope you all have a great week and please let me know if I can help you navigate this whole blogging world.

Happy Birthday to Chris today !!!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hello all!

I guess that I am the newest addition to the Blog! These are some pics from Makenna's 1 month old pictures! We missed seeing everyone at the barbecue :( I guess that comes with being a DAD or the fact that as first time parents all our trusted babysitters were at the grove!! I am just getting older and working! Monica is working on getting school finished up this year and spoiling little miss Makenna! Enjoy the pics and of course football season!
Brad, Monica and Makenna