Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Good afternoon everyone. I am so happy that more people are joining on to the blog. I still do not know if i got everyone added as authors to our blog. If anyone in your family has not got the invite to start writing on the blog please let me know by sending me their email. You can email me at or just give me their email in the comment section on this post. I think it will be great to get everyone going on this.

Things are good here in KC. School is in full swing and we already have conferences next week. I swear this first semester just flies. Briggs is all settled in to his new daycare and we love it. Sure makes going to work a lot easier when you know your baby is well taken care of. I have actually started Briggs a blog of his own you are welcome to check it out and even join as a follower if you want. The link is . Hope you all have a great week and please let me know if I can help you navigate this whole blogging world.

Happy Birthday to Chris today !!!!!!

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