Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sweet Little Pumpkin

Good Morning. Really enjoy keeping up with everyone on the blog. All is great with the Tomlinsons. We are busy as ever, Greg is back in school working on getting his degree in elementary education. He is trying to get back in the groove of writing papers, reading, and studying. Pretty hard task after being out of college for 7 years. I am so proud of him making the commitment to change his career. I know he will be a fabulous teacher. It will be nice to have someone to commiserate with as well . We are getting geared up for birthday week in our house. We have all three of our birthdays within a 4 day span, it will be busy but fun. Crazy to think my little man will be one. Enjoying this fall weather and love that my job allows me to be outside all day. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little boy. Happy birthday to him....give him a kiss from me.
