Thursday, September 17, 2009

Makenna might not want to be a Bear this Fall.

Brad et al.,
Thanks for the update on the always immense adjustments to life with a new born. Prayers and blessings to you, Monica and Makenna.
It feels like Fall in Skokie today. It is so cool and wet that the grass and trees are still green.
I just replaced all my sidewalks/patio last week. Talk about a hard work kind of job. The two men who took up the old sidewalk/patio and put down the new sidewalk/patio mixed all the cement in my wheel barrow. They worked for five solid days; every day they left they were dog tired and as red as lobster from sun burns. They were not young men, either.
I installed fool control last Fall; cement work this Fall; I'm getting my little townhouse ready to sell, one project per year.
On Monday, 9/28/09 I am going to look at a place I might chose to live when I retire. These condos are owned by Presyterian Village and rent pro rated according your retirement income.
It is located 20 minutes, by bus, from the magnificent mile where the Millennium Park, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and good Chicago theaters are located. It has parks for walking all around.
If I relocate there, I am going to ask The Chicago Cultural Center in the heart of dowtwown Chicago, if I can do foreign relations lectures there in the Spring and Fall each year.
This is the first time I will seriously consider what I will do when I reture in 2013.
If I am still living and Mom and Dad are still living in 2013, is there a Presbyterian Village in the Emporia/Olpe area?
Do people buy thse small house that Dad helped initiate by St. Joseph or do thay rent?
Alan, how are things going while you work full time and have just begun working on your MBA at SMU?
Pray for our Cubbies, Jason, Alan, and Ryan. Sweet Lou is having a tough season.
Good luck with your new job in D.C., Ryan. I will be visting you.

1 comment:

  1. Leona, how'd I get left outta the Cubs chain? It's heart break again for all of us and our good buddy Lou. Im hoping prayers will help.

    Alan isnt on here and has informed me that he has ZERO free time with school. He is working on his MBA at Rice actually. He calls me on Saturdays for Gator updates. I will pass along the message that you asked, I know he'll appreciate the thoughts!

