Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello Everyone,
We celebrated Allie's 9th birthday this weekend. We and 2 other families went to Royals Stadium and then spent the night in Kansas City. We had a blast. Sara, Greg, and Kelli were also at the game so we got to tailgate with them. It's hard for me to believe she is already 9. I can remember the day she was born just like it was yesterday. We are busier than ever. Jeff's football team is 4-0 and he is doing well. Allie is busy reading and socializing. She loves school and really works hard to do well. Our Fall Festival is this weekend and I think she might have some of her grandma's "selling" blood in her because she asks everyone to buy tickets! Fall is here and everything is so beautiful. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Ryan, congrats on your new job. What an exciting city to live in. I can't wait for the 70th celebration!


  1. Just wanted to see how Allieliked the bday present? Let me know if I need to exhchange sizes so I can bring it up for anniversay party! It was so good to see you guys!!:)

  2. Good to see you guys at the game. Can't believe Allie is that big either. Seems like yesterday we could not wait for her to start talking now that is definetly not a problem. Love you Allie, Happy Birthday!
