Friday, October 2, 2009

Since my life has been threatened...

Yes that right Mary has officially bullied me into blogging! I'm sure none of you can imagine that!! It is not that I don't want to but I have be CRAZY busy with my new job. Not to mention I don't have cute baby pictures to post which are way more fun to look at and hear about! So anyway here is what is new in Omaha...

My new job has been EXTREMELY stressful. I am trying to literally build my team from the ground up and that is a work in progress. On top of being short staffed I have had to deal with some major scheduling conflicts such as army reserve weekends, swine flu, and having babies! So long story short I am putting in a lot of hours. On the brighter side now that I have lived in Omaha for almost 5 years I have managed a lot of great people and have been able to recruit 2 of them who recently graduated to work for me. It is very flattering that they like working for me as a manager and are willing to follow me to a new company. So things are looking up and hopefully things will slow down soon!

Chad's work is going really well-he's doing awesome at it. He has been the #1 recruiter in his entire company for the last several months. I think he has around 12 different travelers out working for him currently and is about to book 2 more.

Besides work we are trying to cheer for our huskers as much as possible. They celebrated their 300th consecutive home sell out last weekend so that was very exciting. We are also very excited that Michael is coming up to spend a week with us. Luckily for us Peter Kiewitt originated here in Omaha so he has to come up for training. So far we have planned a lot of drinking and eating throughout the week. Can't wait for him to get here!

Love and Miss you all!


  1. Bully...I don't think so! I enjoyed your newsy post so much. Now if we can just get Donna talked into it!

  2. Donna of all people is being a party pooper!?!?!?

  3. Kellen you should live in the same town and get bossed around. My news seems rather drab compared to the babies pictures too.
    School is going fast but it has been rough with one student that hates being in special ed. It has caused me some STRESS. It is about 1/4 over already. More awful then a stubborn student is this early cold weather. It is freezing this weekend. YUCK!!
    Can't wait to gather for Ma and Pa's 70th.
