Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ethan's throat

Well, I had one of my scariest moments as a parent on Tuesday night. Ethan had an hourglass type thing in his mouth and fell on it. It really tore up the back of his throat and caused a cut under his tongue. There was a lot of blood, Ethan could not calm down, and Justin was not home! After what was a few seconds of me trying to decide what to do, I called 9-1-1, which is TOTALLY out of character for me!

Long story short, the ambulance came and the paramedic didn't really see much and Ethan would not let us look so we monitored him over night (at home) and the next day I stayed home from work with him because we were up all night basically. He allowed me to look back there with a flashlight and I nearly died! It looked horrible! But I will say he was in good spirits and we had an awesome day at home just mother and son.

He is healing and is getting very spoiled with the pampering and all of the ice cream, jello, pudding, etc.

Even though we were not "letting" him run around with something in his mouth, it is really a lesson of what can happen. This was not a sharp object! Parents: do not let your kids put sharp things in their mouth or run with ANYTHING in their mouth! Hopefully Ethan has learned his lesson.

P.S. WHOOHOOO I can blog!!!!

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