Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No condminium by Lake Michigan for me...

On Yom Kippur, September 28, Chicago had her first blast of artic air and wind out of the Northeast for this fall/winter season.That was also the day I had asked to look at a potential retirement conodominium closer to the LOOP.
When I got out of the car for my appointment, a blast of shockingly cold air came barrelling down the street in front of the place I was scheduled to see.
No matter how tightly I closed my jacket, it was no match for the bracing wind and cold air.
I decided the cold was a sign from God of what the weather will be like from November to May if I move there.
When I'm old, I would like something warmer.
Sunny and beautiful in Skokie today.
Ashley, your second picture is remarkable. Look at the little boy's face, I mean the one holding the baby. Gorgeous and so serious.
Kellan, what does Chad do?
Hope the Great Pumpkin is good to you.

1 comment:

  1. Leona
    I'm with you on the warm place to retire. Who want to freeze, have ice and snow to deal with. I DON'T!!!!!!!!! I'm looking South of here.
    See you next week my twisted sis.
