Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Festivities

This has been a crazy week here at the Tomlinson household. We have two birthdays down and one to go. Sunday night we celebrated Greg's birthday with a gathering of friends at our house. It was a great time and Briggs loved seeing all his friends. Today Greg and I both took the day off work to celebrate Brigg's 1st birthday with him. We headed out to Deanna Rose Farmstead in Olathe, a really great farm for kids to fish, pet animals, and just play. It was a gorgeous day and we loved being able to spend some time with our not so little boy. Tomorrow evening Greg has planned a date for us to celebrate my birthday. If you can believe it we are also having a family birthday party for Briggs this Sunday. Whew I think that is it. I have loved every little minute of all of our celebrations. Crazy to think a year ago at this time we were holding our little boy for the very first time. Such sweet memories. Hope all is well with everyone. Jason Happy Birthday tomorrow.
Pictures of Briggs first K-State football game last weekend at arrowhead stadium


  1. Sara What a fun week you must have had. Are you responsible for the new backdrops on this site? They always look wonderful. We too are anxious for the anniversary but not so anxious for the cold which has arrive. We are not use to it but hopefully we won't get much rain. I think it will be Chanute way.......yea Donna and Gary. See you all at the anniversary party. Marsha

  2. Misto Briggs one already. I can't wait to see him again. I know why Donna and Gary get so excited he is a sweet boy. Happy first b-day!!!
    There are lots of birthdays to celebrate Happy B-day to all

  3. Sara - It is awesome to see you cherishing the special moments with your family. Happy Birthday to all!!
