Friday, October 23, 2009

What a wonderful weekend we had celebrating mom and dads 70th anniversary. It started off Friday night with a gathering in Olpe. It was great catching up with everyone and their news, and watching the Yankees win. Saturday we took it easy. We all went to church Saturday night. Father gave mom and dad a blessing. After that we headed to the Chicken House to eat. Henry and Marsha hired 2 brothers to play entertain us before supper. Dad sang along with some of the songs. Thanks Henry and Marsha! We had a delicious meal followed by cake. Then the stories started to roll. It was alot of fun reminiscing. Before we knew it it was 10:00 pm, and the restaurant was closed and the help was ready to go home. We left, and met for lunch at mom and dads on Sunday for lunch. Daryl and Neal cooked sloppy joes, brats, and hot dogs. Everyone else brought side dishes. It was so nice getting to see all the babies in the family. Thanks to everybody for your part in making this a memorable celebration. Gary and I feel so lucky to be a part of this family. We have a mom and dad who are 90 plus years and are still able to live on the farm, and got to celebrate 70 years together. WOW! Amazing! DONNA

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