Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 2010

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Wow where did the year go? Now I'm sounding really old, huh! Christmas was so much fun except for the blizzard. Dad and I can't remember a storm that bad since I was born. It was really scary how dangerous it was. I didn't take my kids to Christmas Eve mass because of it, and I really missed going. We have enjoyed seeing all of the family throughout the holidays. It stretches out the celebration for the whole 2 weeks instead of it being over in just a few days. Jeff and Allie did great in school. Jeff has about 3 weeks left in basketball and is MORE than ready for it to be over-it is not his favorite sport! They are undefeated so that makes it a little more fun. Allie has been a great help decorating and undecorating as well as cooking. She loves Christmas so much. Mom and dad are so housebound because of the weather. I know they have to be stir crazy but they never complain. They enjoyed all the visits and calls so much. We want all of you to know how important you all are to us. We feel so blessed to be a part of such an awesome family. I will toast all of you at midnight. We wish you all only the best in 2010. By the the moment we have no new babies to look forward to. Could someone please work on that?!?!

Mary Beth

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big Jeff & Allie are getting! Mason also got an ipod touch! I know he and Jeff would get along really well. I'll have to bring him to Kansas next time we come. We miss you guys so much! Hope you are all well and have survived the recent snow storms. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
