Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome back after a long hiatus from the blog world. We are still trying to recover from a great weekend and a lack of sleep. We are not used to partying like college students anymore and it takes a toll on us old folks. From the moment we arrived in Norman we knew we were in for a good time and everyone that had made the trip was ready to have a good time. It was so great to to see the Texas crew and catch up with so many Hoeltings that we had not seen in way too long. Michael and Lindsey make such a beautiful couple and you could totally see all the love that was put into planning their special day. As Joyce requested here are a few of our favorite moments.

* The smoking jacket making yet another appearance and as always making its way to the dance floor. Anyone that has yet to get married better get a move on that jacket has got to be on its last leg.

* Joyce and Donna singing inappropriate songs to any male that would listen as they exited the Men's room. I think Michael may have some explaining to do to his co-workers about his crazy family.

* Knowing that you probably shouldn't go out after the wedding but going anyways only to sing with a band at the bar and dance on the tables. Trish we should really go out together more often.

* Riding the "Maxi Taxi" with a wide array of quite intoxicated wedding goers.

* Eating @ The Fuzzy Taco at 3:00 am. I am sure it was horrible but god it was good at that time in the morning.

* Eric and Travis slip and sliding across the dance floor quite unsuccessfully. I am sure they felt that one Sunday Morning.

* A endless supply of bulldogs and pink lemonade. Seriously are you guys bootleggers!

* Alan and Eric taking over for the MIA bartenders while everyone around the bar sang Kokomo.

What a perfect weekend and wedding. Looking forward to seeing more pictures and hearing more stories. Keep blogging everyone!!!!!

More pictures to come via email.

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