Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Floyd and JoEllen Hoelting -- Top 5 Events

Michael and Lindsey's wedding weekend –

Floyd and JoEllen Hoelting -- Top 5 Events

#1.The liturgy at St. Thomas More University Parish and the meaningful homily Reverend James Goins gave. The gathering, sharing and celebration of this beautiful wedding ceremony.

#2. Sharing the happiness of this special day with Michael, Lindsey and the Ratcliff family.

#3.Observing how well this next generation (our children) of Hoelting's connect, get along and have fun together.

#4. Jo and I met Ralph, Evie, Mary Lou and Ray at the front desk while checking in and suggested that we go to the hotel bar where it might be cooler. During the next ten minutes, Ken, Cince, Nikki, Nicole and Heath walked in and the weekend had officially gotten underway. Two hours later, the group had expanded to about 30 until the bar ran out of Coors and BudLight, so it was time to move on. About 15 of the group joined the Schulte's and us at The Outback next door.

#5. The excitement and contagion of being part of another situation where "Hoelting family meets celebration opportunity." It's hard to explain it, but the combination of the excitement of the occasion, the extended Hoelting family, the new and old friends of the family, the alcohol, the story telling, the music, Michael and Lindsey's special day, just exploded into a heck of a party.

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