Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rusty List

1) Michael’s co-worker (green shirt) when the band stopped and he called out for any standup comedians and when no one answered he said he would have to do it. LOL.

2)Michael’s co-worker (green shirt) when he took off his shirt and soaped up his chest and slide on the floor.

3)Travis and Eric falling on the floor when you were trying to mop up beer.

4)Travis and Eric sliding head first on the floor.

5)The dancing/band.

6)Lindsey’s brother…he was fun.

7)The wedding ceremony/Fathers homily.

8)Dancing the dollar dance with Lindsey and she said to me “Am I one of the outlaws now”?

9)Outside at the “car bar” (reception) when Michael and some others were smoking a cigarette and one of the “wild girls” asked Michael if he smoked after sex and Michael stated “I don’t know because I have never looked to see” LOL!

10)The rehearsal dinner was great conversations, great “Irish Beer”, awesome food and awesome atmosphere.

11)The morning breakfast/visiting.

12)The 2nd floor visiting with stories. Adam is so funny.

13)Lindsey’s Grandfather singing to her.

14)Going on the OU campus and seeing the football trophies and memorabilia.

15)So many more. Just an overall fun weekend with the wedding and visiting, etc.

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