Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Viola's list

The memories will live forever!!! There is never such a great wedding that doesn't live on forever in my memory.

My best times were the priests words about what make a marrige work. He said always be postive in words and deeds to your spouse and about faith being the building block. Great talk.

I was honored to serve the body of Christ at communion. I could feel the commitment and love of our family.

Breakfast was a blast both days I would love to do that part again. To get up and go down and there was coffee and conversation. Great way to visit and catch up.

The Texes Gang, the wild Girls are always ready for a good time. There may be a new movie to replace BONNIE & CLYDE it will be KENNY & CINCE.

Anna got to meet Alan's family. Everyone wanted to touch, hold and hug that sweet little Radwanski girl. It is a proud moment for Grandma Viola to show off Anna to everyone at the wedding.

Thanks for the great memories.

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