Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Very Thankful!

Hi Family,
Our computer wasn't connecting with the internet so we were without for the last few months. You don't realize how much you miss it till its gone! I was sad to see there haven't been too many posts lately. I know everyone is super busy! No big news here in Omaha. Work is going great. I am excited for the upcoming holiday season. Christmas just makes me feel like a big kid. We get to go visit Michael in Dallas in a few weeks and we can't wait!

I just wanted to let everyone know how thankful I am for our family. With Thanksgiving a few days away it has made me start counting my blessings and you all are at the top of my list.

Love you all and hopefully people still at least check this from time to time! :)


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About Mom and our many blessings

Dear Family,
Brad and Monica I hope you have recovered from your grand wedding celebration.
I'm so sorry I had to miss this gathering of the clan.
Elsie called me Sunday to say Mom seemed disoriented and seemed to only graze her food at meals.
I know Mom has Hospice now and we have all been here before.
When we where here before, I pulled together a final life celebration for Mom with Father Anthony's help. Ryan drew a picture of Mom for her final mass celebration; there was an actual mass with songs, etc. (Someone should perhaps check and make sure the page numbers for the songs are correct)
Joyce, did I email all of that to you?
Did I also email to you the words to "What Wondrous Love Is This" and "I Am The Bread Of Life", etc, that we might use at home, Joyce?
I'm wondering if someone who lives in Olpe should look it over and see if it will pass muster according to Olpe traditions as well as Dad's sensibilities.
It should be okay with Father Anthony because he helped me.
If anyone has time to proof the copy you have my permission to change it as you wish. If you want to add things that's okay too.
Donna, thanks for the pictures you took at Brad and Monica's celebration. As usual the little kids got as much or more out of the dance than the adults did.
Thanks to all of you clan members for all you do for our dear mama and daddy.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Time

My goodness can summer be coming to an end already. I have been cringing at the sound of the word "school". I can not imagine going back after having such wonderful summer with Briggs. We have been super busy but having a blast in the process. We got to spend a few weekends at tablerock lake, one with Greg's family and one with the Herrons, lots of time in Chanute, a few trips to Olpe and just last weekend headed to Omaha to visit the Zoo and see Kellen and Chad.
I have loved getting to spend all day with Briggs and really just doing what we want when we want. He is a true boy, all over the place and starting to talk like crazy. I have no idea where he gets all of his energy.

We had Allie come to Kansas City and spend some time with us last week. Briggs just adores her and was quite distressed when he realized she had left. Thank you Allie for taking such good care of Briggs and being such a loving little caregiver.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Brad's wedding and spending some time in Olpe. Hope everyone is having a great summer. See you soon.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hoelting Farm Hay Season 2010

We were in Olpe this weekend and thought you might enjoy some pictures we took of the farm and hay season.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Time!!

I love summer! We are having a great one down here in Texas. Lots of moisture for a change! It's nice to see everything so green. Brad doesn't seem to be getting much at the farm, but he is just glad to have avoided the hail! He stays busy keeping his sprinklers running. It helps so much now that Mason is old enough to be really useful. He gets up, goes to the farm and drives tractor all day long. That frees up Brad's time so he can take care of other things. Brad will be in heaven when he had 3 hands to get stuff done. Big changes are coming to the Kleman farm. Brad's dad is 79 and has finally decided to retire. Kind of bitter sweet, but it's time. Brad is going to take over farming his dad's land, while still keeping his own farm in Dimmitt. Brad will be the 4th generation to farm that land. It's the place his great-grandparents started farming when they moved to Nazareth over 100yrs ago! Not sure how he's going to have enough time in the day to run both places, especially after school starts up again, but some how it will all work out!
We had the opportunity for an amazing vacation in June. The boys and I drove to New York City and back. Brad had to stay to run the farm and finish up wheat harvest. We spent 3 days driving up, stopping to see things all along the way. We went to Gettysburg and the Hershey's Chocolate World. The boys even got to make their own candy bars. My whole family flew to New York. We spent 3 days seeing the sights in the city! After that, Dad joined the boys and I for the trip home. We drove to Philladelphia and saw the US Mint & Liberty Bell, then headed to Washington, DC. We spent another 3 days in DC, then headed home, taking a different route. We made several stops on the way home, but the favorite was when GrandBally took us to Lynchburg to see how they make Jack Daniels whiskey! Many people have told me how brave, crazy etc they think I was, but I wouldn't have traded any of it! The boys did so good, especially for being together 13 days straight. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in August at Brad's wedding! Gwen and I will be road tripping with the kids this time, no husbands! The kids are excited to finally get to go to Kansas! Lots of love, Ashley

Saturday, March 27, 2010

St. Lucia

It was extremely difficult choosing just a few pictures that captured our trip to St. Lucia. I have hundreds more to share if you are interested!
Just when I thought I couldn't top a fun filled weekend with giners in OKC, we headed south to the tropical paradise called St. Lucia. Words cannot express how wonderful this vacation was. We had the time of our life! Justin and I vowed that we would not wait another 12 years before taking another trip.
Some of the highlights were: ziplining through the rain forest; visiting the volcano; snorkeling; swimming in the ocean; walks on the beach each night before bed; and laughing our damn heads off. We could not have asked for a more compatible group of travel partners. Every day was a new adventure and every night we truly had a ball. My abs got a good workout from laughing so much and my leg muscles got a good workout from walking back and forth up the hill to our room. It was worth it though. One of the pictures (with the orange roof) was the view from our room and it was breathtaking!
We enjoyed getting to know our bartenders who are locals. They have never been off the island! My impression was that most of the people there are very poor and rely on tourism. There were 3-5 cruise ships that came in and out every single day! I cannot imagine how many thousands of people are in and out of that port daily.... it was unbelievable! But we did leave our resort and felt safe. The people are very nice there and we did not feel we were ever in danger.
If you have never been to an all inclusive resort, I would highly recommend it. Your vacation is paid for before you leave so when you get there you do not have to worry about a thing. The moto in St. Lucia was "no pressure, no problem". The food was fabulous and the drinks were ever flowing! We are already planning our next trip, so let me know if you want in on the fun!
Justin & Lynn

Monday, March 15, 2010

Holy smokes!

It has been a crazy past month and a half for this family! We recently purchased a house in Olpe and close on the 19th! It is in the southwest suburb of Olpe! We might not have deep enough pockets to live in the same ritzy neighborhood as Jason and Viola but at least we can drink beer with them! LOL! Monica will be starting her own daycare and is currently fielding some calls! She has lots of interest for newborns and infant positions. Makenna is growing like crazy and has really become a daddy's girl! She has one tooth and one on the way. Olpe girls just won 2A girls and finished the year 26-0! Exciting and busy times around here! Hope this blog finds everyone healthy and happy!

Brad, Monica and Makenna

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nothing Could be Finer Than to be a Hoelting Giner..........

Well we all survived yet another Giner weekend. We had so much fun initiating a few newbies to the group. I am sorry for all the new giners who were unaware of what they were getting into, I hope we did not scar you for life! After a few days of recovering, I stayed up past my 9 o'clock bedtime two nights in a row I was able to sit back and think of how awesome it is that we were all able to get together. I think it is easy to take for granted how lucky we are to have such a close family that truly loves spending time together. As Mary would say "Let me be serious for just a minute, no really serious" I love you all and thank you for such a fabulous weekend. The weekend was just what I needed, lots of laughs, girl time, and more information about my aunts and cousins than I need in a lifetime.

I would also like to thank Jerry Hagg for making an appearance at the piano bar, our new friend Albert Einstein, Tina Turner you still have moves lady, and long island ice tea you may have been reason for many headaches on Saturday morning!

When and where is our next weekend?????

Sara T.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Texas Tidbits

The boys thoroughly enjoy the Beatles Rock Band game Marcia and Courtney gave them for Christmas. I highly recommend it! Even my mom got up and sang. Dad never would. I guess the Beatles didn't know The Streets of Bakersfield.

It has been quite a winter down in Texas. We have seen more snow than I can remember. There are many years that we don't even use our scheduled snow days, not so this year! It already snowed Monday night and is supposed to snow again tomorrow. The weatherman is predicting a big storm Sunday night. I haven't been able to make it to work a couple of times. Courtney tells me those are mental health days. It does make it nice to get the house cleaned and laundry done. I'm hoping that we are going to have an amazing wheat crop this year! Of course that all hinges on hail and tornado season. Why would anyone want to marry a farmer?

Things have been good for Brad so far. He bought 40 cows in the fall and they have finished calving. Unfortunately, the cold got to a few of the calves. We just don't have the winter protection down here like you do. He's is really itching to get out and get his ground ready for planting, but it's just too wet. I tell him that come August he'll be wishing for a little moisture. Just a typical farmer I suppose. They're never happy! LOL

We have been busy with the pigs and stock showing. We had 3 pigs and a lamb to show at the county show in January. The boys did well and got all of their animals in the sale. Last month we took 2 pigs to San Antonio. This was our first trip to a major show and it was quite an eye opener! I knew there would be a lot of animals, but that was ridiculous. They had 3 to a pen. The poor things could only stand up or lay down. There wasn't much room for the people to move around in the barn either. The 2nd day, most of the pigs were gone, so our cross, Sloppy, got to move to a pen all his own. He was so excited that he ran around in circles for the first 5min. After that, he became quite the celebrity. He was right on the main aisle, so most of the city slickers that came by wanted to take a picture of him. We should have charged a dollar a shot! Unfortunately, the pigs didn't do well. They both walked straight on the truck. Some of the other Nazareth kids did very well. We still had a lot of fun looking around and going to the Alamo and Riverwalk. We made a pit stop on the way in Mason, TX and took a few pictures of the mayor.

Landry has found his destiny! He's going to be, God forbid, a roper! I gave them each $20 in San Antonio and he spent his on a rope. He's been roping everything in sight, or should I say trying to rope. I might have to send him to live with Travis or Eric! We stumbled on a horse versatility show and that was all he wanted to see. He was BORED at the pig show, but couldn't take his eyes off the horses. (Last fall his dream was to be a Hip Hopper, so we'll see how this cowboy thing pans out)

Next month we will take our last pig, Skippy, to Houston. Garrison and I are the only ones going, Mason had to learn a tough lesson about lying. Someone has to have the MEANEST MOM EVER! We'll stay with Marcia, which is really cheap, compared to 4 nights in a hotel. Hopefully we'll have a little time to do some fun stuff.

I've been really looking forward to the Giner Weekend and getting to see everyone. Unfortunately, we found out today Brad needs foot surgery, and it is scheduled for March 5th. It's a minor surgery, but he'll be off his feet for a few days. I think if I leave town the boys will do a great job taking care of him, but he seems to be against this plan. I also tried to convince him to go stay with his Mommy and Daddy! I know she would love getting to take care of her baby boy. He has rejected this idea too. So, it looks like I'm going to get to stay home and play nurse. For some reason I think my real patients are easier to take care of than he will be. I told him aboslutley NO sponge baths! So, have a few drinks for me and I can't wait to hear all about the trip!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Baby

Hi All,
Just posting pictures of the newest baby in our family. "Carley" the baby goat...another gift from Grandpa Henry! Also Kinley is on my new exercise routine! I think she is helping me lose the weight I gain while pregnant with her. She fell asleep by the end of our "workout!" Can't wait to see you all SOON!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

From the Heins'

Ditto Lynn's blog! :-) It has been stressful around here. I hope all of you will consider writing the Kansas legislators in support of the schools. They have to find funding somewhere, the more letters they get the more likely they are to "find" the funds!
We went to the Catholic schools mass this morning. The singing brought me to tears...hopefully my other two kids will be able to stand up there and sing those same songs!

We are all doing great! I might need at little R and R at OKC and St. Lucia. I can hardly wait for those two dates! See you all soon, Stacy and Family

Thursday, January 28, 2010

News from the Redeker Ranch

I guess I read the blogs but don't contribute!

I am going to use this opportunity to blow off a little steam. If any of you have talked to Mary Beth lately, you have probably heard that we are going through the very painful process of discussing consolidation of Olpe and Hartford public schools. I am not even going to get into those details. What REALLY pisses me off is to hear comments like, "well why don't you just close St. Joseph School and send those kids to the public school. That would equal $175,000 in State funding." First of all, the USD 252 budget deficit is $400,000. As you ALL know, we work our ASSES off to keep SJS open, not to mention all the personal sacrifices we make to be able to afford to send our kids there. There are a lot of material things that I would like but I would not trade them for my kids' catholic education. AND no one can promise that if we close SJS that the public schools would never consolidate. Now that would be an even bigger tragedy to lose our catholic gem of a grade school and the public school. I think the public patrons need to donate money to their foundation and fight for their school and not look to someone else to solve their problem. Sorry to be such a rambling idiot but I cannot express the joy that fills my heart every time I hear my kids saying the prayers that we used to recite and singing the songs that we used to sing and just learning those valuable lessons that we learned. I would not trade my kids' catholic education for all the riches in the world! And we shouldn't be asked to. By the way, I am equally as passionate about not consolidating with Hartford because it will impact my kids in the long run. I consider it my responsibility to help with both causes.

Okay, I'm done.

I am really looking forward to GINER WEEKEND and also we are going to St. Lucia with Travis and Stacy and another couple. Talk about bad timing with the whole school budget issue. But we did not know about these problems when we booked and paid for our trip and honestly we have been saving for this trip for a long time. I think a drunken weekend in OKC and a drunken WEEK on a paradise island will do me some good. If you are still reading this, I am sure you will agree!

The kiddos are doing great. How did Mary Hoelting survive raising 11 children?! Three boys are a handful and I wouldn't trade my life for anything!! The kids are actually pretty well behaved most of the time (and honestly, their mother has high expectations for their behavior).

Kadon has been doing excellent in school. His teacher told us she would take a classroom full of Kadons. He makes us proud but Justin and I are suspicious that he might be sneaky. We will have to keep an eye on him. He is a walking encyclopedia of sports knowledge.

Nolan on the other hand is pure onery and honest! He found one of his Christmas presents and told me right away. It was hard to be mad with him smiling at me and telling me that he was "snooping" when I asked what he was up to. At Nolan's parent teachers conferences, his teacher's face lit up as she talked about his great personality and I surely know why. He is the most considerate child I have ever met.

And Ethan is wild man, funny boy, and all around just the kid that has both Justin and I smitten. I take him to Murphy Oil twice a week to meet Dad, who then transports him to Mom's so I don't have to drive all the way over there. He is Mr. Popular with the guys at the "coffee shop". As soon as we walk in, he struts over there and all of those old farmers greet him good morning. Every one knows him by name. I think Grandpa Henry is pretty proud of him too!

I will try to write a shorter blog next time. I guess I had a lot on my chest and I knew the Hoelting family would understand. We are supposed to get snow tonight and after being stranded here over the holidays I am ready for spring.

Love you all and March cannot get here soon enough!


Ok so this is getting ridiculous. I had to get a post on here because it has been rather sparse on this Hoelting blog. Not to much new with the Tomlinsons just flying through this January. Truthfully we are ready for some nice weather, feeling a little house bound. Feels like this semester at school is just flying by which is awesome. Greg has started his second semester at Rockhurst University working towards his education degree. While we are so excited for him to get his degree it feels like he will be in school forever. We know the reward will be worth the wait.

Briggs is great, growing like a weed and really feeling his independence. I have started to get sassed a bit. I am not sure whether to discipline him or laugh, his sassiness is pretty funny. I am sure the funny will wear out. We love his school more than ever, he has some really cute little friends and he learns so much everyday.

I am getting very excited for the upcoming "Giner Weekend 2010". I could use a little girl/adult time! Please keep posting I would love to know how everyone is doing. Take care and have a great weekend.

Briggs and Lydia at Christmas