Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Time!!

I love summer! We are having a great one down here in Texas. Lots of moisture for a change! It's nice to see everything so green. Brad doesn't seem to be getting much at the farm, but he is just glad to have avoided the hail! He stays busy keeping his sprinklers running. It helps so much now that Mason is old enough to be really useful. He gets up, goes to the farm and drives tractor all day long. That frees up Brad's time so he can take care of other things. Brad will be in heaven when he had 3 hands to get stuff done. Big changes are coming to the Kleman farm. Brad's dad is 79 and has finally decided to retire. Kind of bitter sweet, but it's time. Brad is going to take over farming his dad's land, while still keeping his own farm in Dimmitt. Brad will be the 4th generation to farm that land. It's the place his great-grandparents started farming when they moved to Nazareth over 100yrs ago! Not sure how he's going to have enough time in the day to run both places, especially after school starts up again, but some how it will all work out!
We had the opportunity for an amazing vacation in June. The boys and I drove to New York City and back. Brad had to stay to run the farm and finish up wheat harvest. We spent 3 days driving up, stopping to see things all along the way. We went to Gettysburg and the Hershey's Chocolate World. The boys even got to make their own candy bars. My whole family flew to New York. We spent 3 days seeing the sights in the city! After that, Dad joined the boys and I for the trip home. We drove to Philladelphia and saw the US Mint & Liberty Bell, then headed to Washington, DC. We spent another 3 days in DC, then headed home, taking a different route. We made several stops on the way home, but the favorite was when GrandBally took us to Lynchburg to see how they make Jack Daniels whiskey! Many people have told me how brave, crazy etc they think I was, but I wouldn't have traded any of it! The boys did so good, especially for being together 13 days straight. I think they enjoyed it as much as I did!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in August at Brad's wedding! Gwen and I will be road tripping with the kids this time, no husbands! The kids are excited to finally get to go to Kansas! Lots of love, Ashley

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