Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Time

My goodness can summer be coming to an end already. I have been cringing at the sound of the word "school". I can not imagine going back after having such wonderful summer with Briggs. We have been super busy but having a blast in the process. We got to spend a few weekends at tablerock lake, one with Greg's family and one with the Herrons, lots of time in Chanute, a few trips to Olpe and just last weekend headed to Omaha to visit the Zoo and see Kellen and Chad.
I have loved getting to spend all day with Briggs and really just doing what we want when we want. He is a true boy, all over the place and starting to talk like crazy. I have no idea where he gets all of his energy.

We had Allie come to Kansas City and spend some time with us last week. Briggs just adores her and was quite distressed when he realized she had left. Thank you Allie for taking such good care of Briggs and being such a loving little caregiver.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Brad's wedding and spending some time in Olpe. Hope everyone is having a great summer. See you soon.

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