Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nothing Could be Finer Than to be a Hoelting Giner..........

Well we all survived yet another Giner weekend. We had so much fun initiating a few newbies to the group. I am sorry for all the new giners who were unaware of what they were getting into, I hope we did not scar you for life! After a few days of recovering, I stayed up past my 9 o'clock bedtime two nights in a row I was able to sit back and think of how awesome it is that we were all able to get together. I think it is easy to take for granted how lucky we are to have such a close family that truly loves spending time together. As Mary would say "Let me be serious for just a minute, no really serious" I love you all and thank you for such a fabulous weekend. The weekend was just what I needed, lots of laughs, girl time, and more information about my aunts and cousins than I need in a lifetime.

I would also like to thank Jerry Hagg for making an appearance at the piano bar, our new friend Albert Einstein, Tina Turner you still have moves lady, and long island ice tea you may have been reason for many headaches on Saturday morning!

When and where is our next weekend?????

Sara T.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I had a fabulous time as well. We really should not wait so long in between.... When is our next adventure going to be?
