Wednesday, August 26, 2009

posting on the blog

So here is the deal on posting....

If you want to post on the blog I need to add your email address as an author. I added all of them that I had but I am sure that I missed a few. If you know anyone that I missed please send me their email address and I will get them added. You should have received an email that said you were invited to post on the website.

Once you are added as an author you need to create a account (super easy to do) and then you are ready to post. On the home page of the Hoelting blog there is a post blog button. Once you hit that you are able to type a post, add pictures, videos, and more. It is really user friendly. When you are done adding what you want simply hit the publish post button. Your post will then appear on the top of the hoelting blog page. You can then post comments about other. posts. this should be much better than just typing in the comment box. Let me know if you need any help I will be glad to talk you through it. my email address is also let me know if you need to be added as an author.

Hope this helps. Happy posting!

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