Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi to All

Hi Everyone,

We released 2 of Viola's monarchs today in my class. My students watched them from caterpillar through the release and were thrilled. School is in full swing. Allie is loving life. She loves homework and tests and Mrs. Nuessen and her friends and EVERYTHING that goes woth school. Jeff is having a BIG and not so smooth adjustment from St. Joes to jr. high. It isn't that he doesn't like it because he does. It's a matter of getting used to 8 teachers instead of 1, 38 students in his class instead of 8, LOTS (hours) 0f homework every night instead of little to none, being very tired and sore from football, going from being one of the best baseball players on his team this summer to being not as good in football, and having to be responsible nad organized on his own. I told him I know this is a stressful time of adjustment but "that that does not kill you will make you stronger" to which my witty son replied "I hope I'm not dead before I am strong!" It was a joy caring for mom and dad last weekend. Mom is so gentle and sweet and appreciative. I enjoyed my time with them. BBQ ticket sales for Galen and I are going very well. I will be glad when I have that job done and over with. A lot of people commented on how much they enjoyed dad's article. Love to all of you, I'm so glad you are all in my family. GO YANKEES.

xoxoxo Mary Beth

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