Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hello From the Heins'

Since we still live in the dark ages...without a computer, we will use mom's log in!

I start school tomorrow and have already been in tears about leaving Kinley. Wish me luck tomorrow as I have to be there at 7:30 and won't be able to be home until around 7:00. (We have parent night.) Kinley is doing great, she is finally taking a bottle, and growing like a weed. She has been sleeping through the nights for a little over a month, and it is heavenly! She is smiling, giggling, and reaching for toys.

Marley is going to start first grade on Thursday. She is not sure she is ready to go back. She is a very smart little girl. She can read very well, and is so much help with Kinley.

Darren is at home "helping" his dad weld. He is all boy! He is into roping all of the sudden. While walking with him at the fair, he made me stop. I asked what we were stopped for and he said "Mom, I have to coil my rope!" I have a feeling I am going to learn lots in the upcoming years! :-)

Travis' team just finished up with their ranch rodeos for the season. His team got a second, fourth, and eighth placing in the three he was in. It was lot of fun watching them. Trish's aunt is sure that Travis doesn't look like a cowboy...she thinks he looks more like a doctor...if only that was true! We are planning a trip to St. Lucia in March to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Lynn and Justin are going too. We are very excited! If anyone wants to join us, let us know and we will get you the details.

I loved reading Grandpa Nub's article in the paper, I hope we can keep the tradition going for 40 more years! Take care! Love, Stacy and Family

1 comment:

  1. Stacy I feel your pain about leaving Kinley. Good luck on your first week of school.
