Monday, August 31, 2009

Hi all! This is so exciting, getting to read about what everyone is up to. I am sad to see summer to come to an end, however, Kelli and I visited Michael in Ft. Worth, and really sent summer out with a bang! We went shopping, saw one of our favorite bands, Randy Rogers, at the fair, and even explored a new bar or two! It was a blast to say the least! And now the semester is underway. I dove straight into Nursing school a week ago, and Michael is busy as ever at work. He was already at work when I was getting out of bed at 6 this morning...Dedication! Haha! Hope all is well with everyone. Look forward to reading more!

P.S. Neal, the media guide will be in the mail first thing in the morning!! Boomer Sooner!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Texas Guests

Hi We had some guest from Texas come to visit Nub and Mary. Ronnie and Regina came Tuesday and left this morning. They stayed here but went down to visit the folks during the day. Had some nice is always nice to visit with small groups and get to know them better than at the reunion when there is so many people. Had a really nice rain last night. Almost 2 inches. Emporia had 5 inches. Everything is so green and beautiful. Have a good weekend everyone. Marsha

To Marley and Jeffrey

Traditional school is not easy for a "free range" learner like Marley- nor a student like Jeffrey who is moved from a small class in a contained classroom with three teachers, to a class with many more classmates meeting in many different class rooms with many different teachers.
I remember Joyce saying they take children when they are already "crazy" and put them all in a middle school. (middle school classes can get rowdy)
In both cases it's future shock!
I bet that in thirty days from now both Marley and Jeffrey will have a place where they can learn.
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away."
I remember crying during study hall every night at St. Scholastica. The only reason I never called Mom and Dad to tell them I wanted to come back to Olpe, is that I knew they would be disappointed.
Bless teachers and students everywhere.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi to All

Hi Everyone,

We released 2 of Viola's monarchs today in my class. My students watched them from caterpillar through the release and were thrilled. School is in full swing. Allie is loving life. She loves homework and tests and Mrs. Nuessen and her friends and EVERYTHING that goes woth school. Jeff is having a BIG and not so smooth adjustment from St. Joes to jr. high. It isn't that he doesn't like it because he does. It's a matter of getting used to 8 teachers instead of 1, 38 students in his class instead of 8, LOTS (hours) 0f homework every night instead of little to none, being very tired and sore from football, going from being one of the best baseball players on his team this summer to being not as good in football, and having to be responsible nad organized on his own. I told him I know this is a stressful time of adjustment but "that that does not kill you will make you stronger" to which my witty son replied "I hope I'm not dead before I am strong!" It was a joy caring for mom and dad last weekend. Mom is so gentle and sweet and appreciative. I enjoyed my time with them. BBQ ticket sales for Galen and I are going very well. I will be glad when I have that job done and over with. A lot of people commented on how much they enjoyed dad's article. Love to all of you, I'm so glad you are all in my family. GO YANKEES.

xoxoxo Mary Beth

posting on the blog

So here is the deal on posting....

If you want to post on the blog I need to add your email address as an author. I added all of them that I had but I am sure that I missed a few. If you know anyone that I missed please send me their email address and I will get them added. You should have received an email that said you were invited to post on the website.

Once you are added as an author you need to create a account (super easy to do) and then you are ready to post. On the home page of the Hoelting blog there is a post blog button. Once you hit that you are able to type a post, add pictures, videos, and more. It is really user friendly. When you are done adding what you want simply hit the publish post button. Your post will then appear on the top of the hoelting blog page. You can then post comments about other. posts. this should be much better than just typing in the comment box. Let me know if you need any help I will be glad to talk you through it. my email address is also let me know if you need to be added as an author.

Hope this helps. Happy posting!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ready For the BBQ

Hi All,
We made it through the first week of school. Marley said school is might be a LONG year if she already thinks that! Kinley is taking bottles really well and doing great. Darren just kind of goes with the flow. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Picture taken this time last year 2008. Gary

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lydia and Briggs

Hello everyone! Hope everbody has transitioned back in to school mode. This past week Chris and Liz took a one year anniversary trip to Key West. Gary and I had Lydia for those five days. She adores her papa Gary. We loved having her but were exhausted at the end of the day. She is one busy girl. This week I am in Kansas City watching Briggs. So I have got to have both grandbabies the past two weeks. It was wonderful! Can't wait to see everyone at the bbq. Loved the picture of dad in the Emporia Gazette. Love Donna

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Had a Fun Weekend

Henry and I had a great weekend. We went to the Beef Fest and watched the hypnotist. Henry had fun visiting. We are now at home with all the grandkids, watching them swim. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ. Marsha

Hello From the Heins'

Since we still live in the dark ages...without a computer, we will use mom's log in!

I start school tomorrow and have already been in tears about leaving Kinley. Wish me luck tomorrow as I have to be there at 7:30 and won't be able to be home until around 7:00. (We have parent night.) Kinley is doing great, she is finally taking a bottle, and growing like a weed. She has been sleeping through the nights for a little over a month, and it is heavenly! She is smiling, giggling, and reaching for toys.

Marley is going to start first grade on Thursday. She is not sure she is ready to go back. She is a very smart little girl. She can read very well, and is so much help with Kinley.

Darren is at home "helping" his dad weld. He is all boy! He is into roping all of the sudden. While walking with him at the fair, he made me stop. I asked what we were stopped for and he said "Mom, I have to coil my rope!" I have a feeling I am going to learn lots in the upcoming years! :-)

Travis' team just finished up with their ranch rodeos for the season. His team got a second, fourth, and eighth placing in the three he was in. It was lot of fun watching them. Trish's aunt is sure that Travis doesn't look like a cowboy...she thinks he looks more like a doctor...if only that was true! We are planning a trip to St. Lucia in March to celebrate our 10th anniversary. Lynn and Justin are going too. We are very excited! If anyone wants to join us, let us know and we will get you the details.

I loved reading Grandpa Nub's article in the paper, I hope we can keep the tradition going for 40 more years! Take care! Love, Stacy and Family

Classes begin this week

WSU's fall classes begin on Thursday. I love this time of year. I found out (after looking at Donna's pictues of Branson) that we were there at the same time and we didn't know it. I'm at Olpe this weekend and had a good weelend with the folks. A special thanks to Henry for installing a new light in the wash house and for trimming a bunch of trees in the yard.

I'm So Proud

Hey Everyone,

I feel quite proud of myself that I figured this out all by myself!! Thanks to Joyce and Kelli and anyone who got this started because frankly the round robin wasn't working anymore. School has begun and it is always so hectic in the beginning. Jeff and Allie start Thursday and are very excited. Jeff got braces and he starts his first football practice tomorrow morning at 6am. What a busy and fun time. Dad's picture and article were on the front page of the gazette this weekend for the 40th anniversary for the bbq. It was a really good article. I'll be glad when I have all the tickets sold and can drink a cool one! Galen has REALLY helped me so much and can get donations from anybody! What happened to Nick Arojo on What Not TO Wear? It's a black guy now. I think Carmendi is very unhappy about his departure! Love you guys bunches

Mary Beth

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This is flippin fantastic!

Hi Family,
I am so excited to write my first ever "round robin blog." Kelli thanks for setting this up!

Things are good up in Nebraska. It has finally warmed up just in time for school to start and the pools to close. I have been at my new job for almost a month already which is hard to believe. It has been very stressful but very exciting. My hours are quite a bit longer so Chad is getting to cook me dinner each night which is a nice change of pace! We are getting excited for Husker football season. People up here are crazy and have been counting down since July! We are bringing Chad's dad down for the barbecue so we can't wait to see everyone.

For those of you lucky dogs who have been off work for the last 2 months Happy Back to School!
Love you all-Kellen and Chad

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Briggs at the lake

We recently took a trip to Branson with the Herron family. It was Briggs's first time on the lake and he loved the water and the boat.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome Hoelting

We are just trying this out as a option for our family to use to keep up on pictures and information...