Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 2010

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve! Wow where did the year go? Now I'm sounding really old, huh! Christmas was so much fun except for the blizzard. Dad and I can't remember a storm that bad since I was born. It was really scary how dangerous it was. I didn't take my kids to Christmas Eve mass because of it, and I really missed going. We have enjoyed seeing all of the family throughout the holidays. It stretches out the celebration for the whole 2 weeks instead of it being over in just a few days. Jeff and Allie did great in school. Jeff has about 3 weeks left in basketball and is MORE than ready for it to be over-it is not his favorite sport! They are undefeated so that makes it a little more fun. Allie has been a great help decorating and undecorating as well as cooking. She loves Christmas so much. Mom and dad are so housebound because of the weather. I know they have to be stir crazy but they never complain. They enjoyed all the visits and calls so much. We want all of you to know how important you all are to us. We feel so blessed to be a part of such an awesome family. I will toast all of you at midnight. We wish you all only the best in 2010. By the the moment we have no new babies to look forward to. Could someone please work on that?!?!

Mary Beth

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy New Year

Here's hoping you all have the best NEW YEAR ever. We are still enjoying Christmas memories and TOYS! Some Christmas memories we made this year:

- Kinley's first Christmas...she was lots of fun!

- A very Nasty Christmas Eve blizzard. We went to the Christmas Eve program at Ebenezer and barely made it home. Travis and I had never seen such driving conditions!

- Pictures on the snow drifts that Uncle Mark Stueve plowed with his grater.

- So many jewelry kits we can't count...Marley will be able to make us all jewelry to wear to the next Giner!
- Lots of boy toys...Darren can't decide which toys to play with! He loves them all.

Posted are some pictures of our favorite holiday memories. Talk to you soon, Stacy and Family

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas From Texas!

Hope everyone is doing well! Things are great down here. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a few days away! We still aren't quite done, hoping to finish up tomorrow. If you ask Landry, Christmas came on the 3rd. That's when we had our first snow. You know whenever it snows it's Christmas! We put up our tree that weekend. When Dad asked him what he was going to do the next week he said "Take down our decorations!" We had 4" in Nazareth and the boys were able to build a snowman and have a snowball fight. They were very excited. Thank goodness the weather man is predicting snow this week on Wed/Thur so hopefully Christmas will come again! I hope so, Landry asked Santa for a chihuahua, and he asked Santa to bring his dad a new cotton stripper and a new combine! Hope those don't weigh down the sleigh too much.
We are looking forward to the next semester of school. Not the school part as much as all the other activities. Thank goodness the boys have straight A's, so missing a few days of school won't hurt them too much. We have 3 pigs to show. We are taking 2 to San Antonio and 1 to Houston. We had 4, but our luck with show animals hasn't been too good this year. One of our pigs broke it's leg, so it's going to make some nice sausage in a few weeks. The girls at work are shocked that we would eat our animals, but that's life on the farm! He has 43 days and counting until all the drugs they gave him clear his system. I asked Garrison what he would do if he only had 44 days to live and he said "Kiss all the girls I could!" I think he gets that crap from my dad or Grandpa Ed!
I was happy to hear that if my nasty cat that gave Landry a ringworm on his head comes back Nub could help me get rid of it! After Brad hauled it off the second time, it never came around again! Maybe it got eaten by a coyote! That has been quite an ordeal! He took his last dose of antifungal medicine tonight!!! He has been taking it twice a day for 8 weeks! The worst part was it made his hair fall out! That is not a good thing for a Hoelting man. It has grown back in thank goodness.
Mason is onto basketball, which is going much better for them than football. They didn't score a single point in football. They are very small compared to the other school. In basketball they have won their last 2 games and are playing very well! He will turn 13 next month. That makes me feel really old! We've had a few previews of life with a teenager. It scares me to death!
Maybe I'll just run away to Kansas! I could take my old clunker that we hit a cow in last month. What would Nub say when I pulled up! It's missing a bumper and the radiator has a hole in it. Not to mention the windshield Dad cracked with his hard Hoelting head and the airbags hanging out! We all know what he thinks of the car Dad and Leon drove up there.
Hope everyone is healthy and staying warm this winter! Have a very Merry Christmas! We miss you all. I hear rumors of another Wild Girls Trip! (We just have to find another sucker to drive us up there!) Love Ashley