Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About Mom and our many blessings

Dear Family,
Brad and Monica I hope you have recovered from your grand wedding celebration.
I'm so sorry I had to miss this gathering of the clan.
Elsie called me Sunday to say Mom seemed disoriented and seemed to only graze her food at meals.
I know Mom has Hospice now and we have all been here before.
When we where here before, I pulled together a final life celebration for Mom with Father Anthony's help. Ryan drew a picture of Mom for her final mass celebration; there was an actual mass with songs, etc. (Someone should perhaps check and make sure the page numbers for the songs are correct)
Joyce, did I email all of that to you?
Did I also email to you the words to "What Wondrous Love Is This" and "I Am The Bread Of Life", etc, that we might use at home, Joyce?
I'm wondering if someone who lives in Olpe should look it over and see if it will pass muster according to Olpe traditions as well as Dad's sensibilities.
It should be okay with Father Anthony because he helped me.
If anyone has time to proof the copy you have my permission to change it as you wish. If you want to add things that's okay too.
Donna, thanks for the pictures you took at Brad and Monica's celebration. As usual the little kids got as much or more out of the dance than the adults did.
Thanks to all of you clan members for all you do for our dear mama and daddy.