Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Texas Tidbits

The boys thoroughly enjoy the Beatles Rock Band game Marcia and Courtney gave them for Christmas. I highly recommend it! Even my mom got up and sang. Dad never would. I guess the Beatles didn't know The Streets of Bakersfield.

It has been quite a winter down in Texas. We have seen more snow than I can remember. There are many years that we don't even use our scheduled snow days, not so this year! It already snowed Monday night and is supposed to snow again tomorrow. The weatherman is predicting a big storm Sunday night. I haven't been able to make it to work a couple of times. Courtney tells me those are mental health days. It does make it nice to get the house cleaned and laundry done. I'm hoping that we are going to have an amazing wheat crop this year! Of course that all hinges on hail and tornado season. Why would anyone want to marry a farmer?

Things have been good for Brad so far. He bought 40 cows in the fall and they have finished calving. Unfortunately, the cold got to a few of the calves. We just don't have the winter protection down here like you do. He's is really itching to get out and get his ground ready for planting, but it's just too wet. I tell him that come August he'll be wishing for a little moisture. Just a typical farmer I suppose. They're never happy! LOL

We have been busy with the pigs and stock showing. We had 3 pigs and a lamb to show at the county show in January. The boys did well and got all of their animals in the sale. Last month we took 2 pigs to San Antonio. This was our first trip to a major show and it was quite an eye opener! I knew there would be a lot of animals, but that was ridiculous. They had 3 to a pen. The poor things could only stand up or lay down. There wasn't much room for the people to move around in the barn either. The 2nd day, most of the pigs were gone, so our cross, Sloppy, got to move to a pen all his own. He was so excited that he ran around in circles for the first 5min. After that, he became quite the celebrity. He was right on the main aisle, so most of the city slickers that came by wanted to take a picture of him. We should have charged a dollar a shot! Unfortunately, the pigs didn't do well. They both walked straight on the truck. Some of the other Nazareth kids did very well. We still had a lot of fun looking around and going to the Alamo and Riverwalk. We made a pit stop on the way in Mason, TX and took a few pictures of the mayor.

Landry has found his destiny! He's going to be, God forbid, a roper! I gave them each $20 in San Antonio and he spent his on a rope. He's been roping everything in sight, or should I say trying to rope. I might have to send him to live with Travis or Eric! We stumbled on a horse versatility show and that was all he wanted to see. He was BORED at the pig show, but couldn't take his eyes off the horses. (Last fall his dream was to be a Hip Hopper, so we'll see how this cowboy thing pans out)

Next month we will take our last pig, Skippy, to Houston. Garrison and I are the only ones going, Mason had to learn a tough lesson about lying. Someone has to have the MEANEST MOM EVER! We'll stay with Marcia, which is really cheap, compared to 4 nights in a hotel. Hopefully we'll have a little time to do some fun stuff.

I've been really looking forward to the Giner Weekend and getting to see everyone. Unfortunately, we found out today Brad needs foot surgery, and it is scheduled for March 5th. It's a minor surgery, but he'll be off his feet for a few days. I think if I leave town the boys will do a great job taking care of him, but he seems to be against this plan. I also tried to convince him to go stay with his Mommy and Daddy! I know she would love getting to take care of her baby boy. He has rejected this idea too. So, it looks like I'm going to get to stay home and play nurse. For some reason I think my real patients are easier to take care of than he will be. I told him aboslutley NO sponge baths! So, have a few drinks for me and I can't wait to hear all about the trip!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Baby

Hi All,
Just posting pictures of the newest baby in our family. "Carley" the baby goat...another gift from Grandpa Henry! Also Kinley is on my new exercise routine! I think she is helping me lose the weight I gain while pregnant with her. She fell asleep by the end of our "workout!" Can't wait to see you all SOON!!!